Monday, July 6, 2009

Are your Memories Safe?

The reality of new technology surpassing old became a reality for Laura. Laura, age 70, went to view her home vhs video of her daughter on her first horse back ride. To her dismay she discovered that her precious memories were beginning to fade and almost become unrecognizable. For myself, it was realizing that I had plenty of old photos (due to the fact I grew up in the digital boom) but little video. I realized I could no longer hear my great-grand-mom's voice. I could only relive her stories through written word and photographs. How great would it be if we would have captured her personality, her unique mannerisms, and recorded voice. It would truly be something special I could pass on to my family, children, and future generations. Protect your memories today..ask us how
*above photo taken in 2005, earlier photo taken in approx. 1989.

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